R: WCAG Team A - Kickoff

Hi Gregg, hi Team A,

Final thing is that we need to find a time to meet. I would like everybody
to post to the list 2 things.
1. The times of day using the EASTERN United States time zone that work for
you.  We will try to find a time that works in everybody's availability
2. Give particular days or times that you can not meet on a regular basis.
One time slot that I think is open is the old techniques time slot, but I do
not know how that fares for people in terms of time of day.  That time slot
was 10 a.m. (EST) Wednesday mornings.  We could also meet on Monday or
Tuesday morning, but I think Monday is too early in the week.

In the next days i'll start again working as usual (i'm a IT teacher in a
professional high school), so the best times for me are late afternoon or
evening (in Italy), that is from 1 p.m. EST. 

At this moment, tuesday or wednsday are ok for me; it may happen that my
preferred days change as i do not know my daily working-time, which can be
modified without notice. Should any problem occur, i'll make you know as
soon as possible.

My best regards,

Roberto Castaldo
IWA/HWG Member

Received on Tuesday, 6 September 2005 17:40:40 UTC