RE: Next step

Below is my issue handling proposal for 3.2.

1410     3       3.2 is not about look and feel
1458     4       Add provision for customizable or user-changeable
components that are repeated on multiple delivery units to SC 3.2.3 
1510     2             
1516     2             
1517     2             
1657     2             
1658     2             
1659     4       Add provision for customizable or user-changeable
components that are repeated on multiple delivery units to SC 3.2.3 
1660     2             
1661     2             
1662     2             
1663     2             
1664     4       Add provision for user to opt-in or opt-out for
automatic change of context for SC 3.2.5      
1747     5             


        Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 8:32 PM
        Subject: Next step

        Hi all,


          Congrats again for getting the Guidelines out.   As we wait
for the new comments to come in lets see how many of the old bugz we can


        We think that many of them may be addressed by our edits.    We
are looking for volunteers to go through the bugz for each guideline and
categorize them as


        1 - addressed by our current edits

        2 - OBE (overcome by events) (e.g. the bug no longer applies
with our new wording)

        3 - Suggest rejecting comment and closing (based on our
discussions to date)

        4 -  Suggest making the following change and closing it

        5 - keep item open. 



        If everyone could just take on one Guideline we can do this
pretty quickly.     The link to the issues for each guideline is below
the success criteria for that  guideline in the Guidelines Doc.    Just
click on it for a listing of all the open issues for that guideline. 


        You don't need to do any more than just read them and determine
if they are still open or not. 


        3.1, 1.4 and 2.3 are already taken.


        If you could each take on one of the guidelines that you have
worked on or are familiar with that would be most helpful.


        For those of you who can,   we would like to go over the first
batch of them on Thursday. 


        First come first serve...   (grin)


        Gregg C Vanderheiden Ph.D.
        Professor - Depts of Ind. Engr. & BioMed Engr.
        Director - Trace R & D Center
        University of Wisconsin-Madison
        <  <
<> > > FAX 608/262-8848 
        For a list of our list discussions




Received on Wednesday, 30 November 2005 01:03:53 UTC