[wbs] response to 'Approval for publication of WCAG-EM 1.0 as a W3C Working Group Note'

The following answers have been successfully submitted to 'Approval for
publication of WCAG-EM 1.0 as a W3C Working Group Note' (public) for Wayne

> ---------------------------------
> Abstract
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
Very clear. No changes required.

> ---------------------------------
> Introduction
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
1. The list of "required" reading is somewhat daunting. Reading the
Techniques end to end is counter recommendation, but that appears to be the
2. The glossary is spectacular. That collection of definitions alone is
worth reading the document!

> ---------------------------------
> Using This Methodology
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
No change.

> ---------------------------------
> Scope of Applicability
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
The Principle of Website Enclosure is Especially Clear.
The entire section gives a clear  framework for determining scope.

Question: Does the referenced example site exist?

> ---------------------------------
> Step 1: Define the Evaluation Scope
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
Good and Clear

> ---------------------------------
> Step 2: Explore the Target Website
> ----

 * ( ) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
More examples of essential functionality may be needed like "application
for  services from an agency."
Explicit reference of Dojo or JQuery may be vendor biased.  Perhaps use
categories like polyfills or Widget Libraries.

> ---------------------------------
> Step 3: Select a Representative Sample
> ----

 * ( ) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Step 4: Audit the Selected Sample
> ----

 * ( ) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Step 5: Report the Evaluation Findings
> ----

 * ( ) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Remaing Comments
> ----
> Provide any remaining comments that you may have.

> These answers were last modified on 27 June 2014 at 12:16:56 U.T.C.
> by Wayne Dick
Answers to this questionnaire can be set and changed at
https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/WCAG-EM-20140623/ until 2014-06-30.


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Received on Friday, 27 June 2014 12:18:03 UTC