[wbs] response to 'Approval for publication of WCAG-EM 1.0 as a W3C Working Group Note'

The following answers have been successfully submitted to 'Approval for
publication of WCAG-EM 1.0 as a W3C Working Group Note' (public) for Bruce

> ---------------------------------
> Abstract
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Introduction
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Using This Methodology
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Scope of Applicability
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Step 1: Define the Evaluation Scope
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Step 2: Explore the Target Website
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Step 3: Select a Representative Sample
> ----

 * (x) accept this section
 * ( ) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)

> ---------------------------------
> Step 4: Audit the Selected Sample
> ----

 * ( ) accept this section
 * (x) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
For Step 4.a: Check All Initial Web Pages, I recommend copying the text
from the two cited FAQs rather just having the links.  The cited material
is not that long, and the FAQ is not as formal and stable as this document.
 Yes, that means the are more likely to get out of sync, but I think it is
okay that this document preserves a snapshot of our best thinking at this
moment at time.  Working Group Notes are more authoritative and subject to
more public review than the FAQ.  Plus, one less click, and it is good
content, well worth having in multiple places.

> ---------------------------------
> Step 5: Report the Evaluation Findings
> ----

 * ( ) accept this section
 * (x) accept this section with the following suggestions
 * ( ) I do not accept this section for the following reasons
 * ( ) I abstain (not vote)
I agree with all of Step 5, but I want to comment that the revised Step
5.d: Provide an Aggregated Score (Optional) represents a pretty significant
editorial change from the previous draft.  Please consider soliciting
another round of comments or extending this feedback period.  It's a good
change IMHO, just a bit of a surprise.

> ---------------------------------
> Remaing Comments
> ----
> Provide any remaining comments that you may have.
I would categorize my comments as low priority, suggestion only.

> These answers were last modified on 24 June 2014 at 18:48:24 U.T.C.
> by Bruce Bailey
Answers to this questionnaire can be set and changed at
https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/WCAG-EM-20140623/ until 2014-06-30.


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Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2014 18:51:04 UTC