WCAG EM - Excessive use of 'per'

I have read through WCAG EM and congratulate you on its progress.

On a small point of language I noticed as outbreak of the word 'per' -
especially in section 5, which I would suggest could inhibit ease of
understanding and is also unnecessary. I would propose removing all 'per'
and using a plain language alternative, if necessary.

I researched the opinions of others via Google, and here is one of the more
interesting discussions on the use of per and as per:

Per and 'as per' is a pseudo-latin construction. Opinions appear to divide
between clarity, efficiency, and improper use. There are however
alternatives which are more natural.

The only examples that fit well in my head are: taking medicine 'per
day', or sharing pencils 'one per child' and 'per your instructions. The
use of 'Per website' and 'per web page' (WCAG EM methodological requirement
5c) seem particularly puzzling and drove me to Google to find out why.
Best wishes

> Suzette

Suzette Keith
Usability and Accessibility Consultant: requirements gathering and
Digital Unite licenced tutor: getting started with email, shopping and

Received on Thursday, 21 March 2013 11:59:53 UTC