Call for Consensus, send 4 rules to working group for approval

Hi everyone,

We think the following rules are ready for approval and publication:

  1.  Summary element has non-empty accessible name<>
  2.  ARIA required owned elements<>

Although these two rules have already been through CFC and approved (in March 2024), it's been a while so please take another look:

  1.  Element with role attribute has required states and properties<>
  2.  Orientation of the page is not restricted using CSS transforms<>

Please respond with +1 if you support requesting approval to publish these 4 rules or -1 if you oppose. Call for Consensus ends Feb 24.


Kathy Eng
Senior ICT Accessibility Specialist
U.S. Access Board<>

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Received on Monday, 10 February 2025 22:54:45 UTC