ACT TF Action items!!!! Most due by this week's meeting

Hi everyone,

We have two items for this week to complete by our meeting on Thursday 4

First is to follow up on how you propose notes be handled/changed for
better consistency due to Issue #449:  Do this exercise for the rules
you have assigned to you in the tracking table:
 that have notes - especially in the applicability and expectation
sections.  Wilco has provided a couple of examples in his comment on the
Please add comments to the issue with proposed changes for your assigned

Surveys (due by the meeting time on date noted below):

   Due 4 June: meta viewport does not prevent zoom:
   Due 11 June: Image has non-empty accessible name:

Best regards,

Mary Jo
Mary Jo Mueller
Accessibility Standards Program Manager
IBM Accessibility Research, Austin, TX
Phone: 512-286-9698 | Tie-line: 363-9698

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"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and
become more, you are a leader." ~John Quincy Adams

Received on Monday, 1 June 2020 22:20:17 UTC