Re: Minimum information needed for reporting implementations...

Hey Alistair,
This stuff is under active development. Part of that will be to provide
better documentation. My suggestion is to for the next week or two to focus
on implementation, until I can wrap up these improvements to the
implementation process. I don't want anyone to have to reverse engineer
stuff, that seems silly.


On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 4:35 PM Alistair Garrison <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Looking at the two implementations (axe / Alfa).  They both are seemingly
> using EARL ā€“ however, in ways that look completely different.
> Also there appears to be loads of stuff, especially in the axe report,
> which is unclear as to its necessity + use ā€“ at least from the perspective
> of someone unschooled in EARL.
> That said, Iā€™m erring on using the same format as the axe report, but also
> wondering if:
>    1. It could be simplified, with unnecessary pieces removed; or
>    2. commented, with comments added (by someone knowledgeable in EARL)
>    into the example in
> Determining how to report in EARL is now holding us up from reporting, and
> it might be doing the same for others.
> As such, a question is also, if EARL is just one choice, should we not
> have specified the minimum stuff needed for properly expressing an outcome
> so people could report in something easier than EARL?
> Alistair
> ---
> Alistair Garrison
> Director of Accessibility Research
> Level Access

*Wilco Fiers*
Axe product owner - Co-facilitator WCAG-ACT - Chair ACT-R / Auto-WCAG

Received on Friday, 10 May 2019 15:05:33 UTC