ICT Testing Baseline...

Dear All,

You’ve probably all seen this draft document - https://section508coordinators.github.io/ICTTestingBaseline/

Personally, I really just wanted to flag it as being very useful; and as acting as a great exemplar of a WCAG 2.0 Audit Checklist.

I’m a little unclear, however, if this ICT Baseline document; or the new Trusted Tester material for that matter; will be included in the material being gathered by Auto-WCAG (so included that list on the post too).

I’m hoping it will be, as this type of Audit Checklist might make a useful candidate for organisations to align with - internally ofcourse, but also nationally and internationally…

I’d be very interested to hear others thoughts / comments – especially, around how they see documents such as the ICT Baseline, helping through groups like Auto-WCAG, to align the semi-automatic (or even manual) testing in a WCAG 2.0 Audit?

Very best regards


Alistair Garrison
Director of Accessibility Research
Level Access

Received on Tuesday, 4 September 2018 16:03:55 UTC