ACT Proposal: Composed rules

Hi all,
Before Thursday's meeting, I wanted to draw special attention to a proposal
that was worked out earlier this week to replace rule groups with something
we've called "composed rules".

In short, composed rules take results from atomic rules and combine them.
For instance there are multiple ways to allow users to bypass repeating
blocks of content. Each of these ways can be tested with one atomic rule.
All those atomic rules are than referenced in a single composed rule, which
indicates how to combine the results from each of those atomic rules into a
single "pass" or "fail" result.

You can find a more extensive description here:

If you do not have time to attend this week's meeting, please PROVIDE
FEEDBACK BY FRIDAY JUNE 1ST. We'll be moving on this very quickly, since we
do not have much time left before we have to complete the wide review draft.

*Wilco Fiers*
Senior Accessibility Engineer - Co-facilitator WCAG-ACT - Chair Auto-WCAG

Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2018 13:35:28 UTC