Adding ACT Rules to the techniques of WCAG 2.1

Hey all,
On last Tuesday's call I brought up the idea to start using ACT Rules in
the effort of writing techniques for WCAG 2.1. The ACT Task Force is
currently exploring how we can start taking public contributions of rules
from groups such as Auto-WCAG, validate them, and make them part of the WAI
ecosystem. Ideally we'd use these test rules as an updated form of failure
techniques. That way AGWG won't have to write failure techniques for WCAG
2.1 at all. We'd use the test rules for this instead.

To demonstrate how this might work I tried put an Auto-WCAG WCAG 2.1 test
rule that is currently in draft in the techniques template. This wasn't a
perfect fit. I added a few sections, and changed one thing around, but over
all I thought it worked quite well. So my question to the group would be:

1. Are the changes I'm proposing we make to accommodate test rules as
techniques acceptable, and if not, what should be changed?
2. Would AGWG like for the ACT Task Force to start contributing test rules
to the techniques?

You can find my example in a Github pull request. Again, this is an example
of a draft rule, it isn't complete yet.

*Wilco Fiers*
Senior Accessibility Engineer - Co-facilitator WCAG-ACT - Chair Auto-WCAG

Received on Saturday, 23 June 2018 15:36:07 UTC