Pointers - to point to content issues in the ShadowDOM / iframes


We have the current format:

+      "test": "auto-wcag:SC1-1-1-css-image.html",
+      "result": {
+        "outcome": "Passed",
+        "pointer": "html > body > h1:nth-child(2)"
+      }

However, neither CSS selectors; or xpath selectors enable us to point to content found in:

  1.  A ShadowDOM; or recursive levels of ShadowDOMs;
  2.  An iframe DOM; or recursive levels of iframe DOMs.

Really, we need a “pseudo” selector – which we all agree on, which allows us to point to content in both contexts.

The question is – do we agree the “pseudo” selector format (maybe just an extension to CSS or xpath) between us; do we kick it along to the EARL group; or do we raise in to relevant groups in W3C?

Thoughts / comments / suggestions for a “pseudo” format?


Alistair Garrison
Director of Accessibility Research
Level Access

Received on Thursday, 11 January 2018 14:23:44 UTC