Re: Reschedule ACT meeting?

That's a bit odd. It doesn't look like Doodle has summer time on it.
Anyhow, yes, this is supposed to be summer time. So the time zone should be
CEST, not CET. Good catch.

On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 8:52 PM, Romain <> wrote:

> Hi Wilco,
> The poll says (at least for my current locale): "All times displayed in
> Paris, France - CET - GMT+1:00"
> But Europe is now on daylight saving time. Should we add an hour to get
> CEST or is it a setup issue and we should assume the time are displayed in
> CEST instead?
> To clarify and make sure we're all on the same page, could you please
> confirm the 1st option proposed for April 3 in UTC ?
> Thanks,
> Romain.
> On 27 Mar 2017, at 17:10, Wilco Fiers <> wrote:
> Hey ACT'ers
> As discussed last week, our current time is giving more and more people
> scheduling conflicts. So I set up a Doodle poll to see if we can find a
> better slot. Please fill this out before Wednesday's call if possible.
> --
> *Wilco Fiers*
> Senior Accessibility Engineer - Co-facilitator WCAG-ACT - Chair Auto-WCAG
> <deque_logo_180p.gif>

*Wilco Fiers*
Senior Accessibility Engineer - Co-facilitator WCAG-ACT - Chair Auto-WCAG

Received on Monday, 27 March 2017 19:20:16 UTC