7.1 Managing Exceptions

Hi Wilco,

Can i get some more clarification on this topic, 7.1 Managing Exceptions 
in terms of the rule results? 
Are we thinking of false positives when we say incorrect results? Can i 
get an example? 
If a rule has incorrect results you would most likely catch those when 
testing the rules, IMO one has to correct the rule logic and eliminate the 
false positive.

How would this be different from the assumptions documented in the rule.

Where a rule is not able to assess the requirement fully automatically, 
that is a different case and those will need additional manual test i 
would think.
Appreciate any feedback you may have.

Warm regards,

Charu Pandhi
Accesibility Tooling and Automation lead
IBM Accessibility Research
 (512) 286 6370, T/L 363 6370
http://w3.ibm.com/able   http://www.ibm.com/able
      Vice President, SWE Southwest Texas

Received on Wednesday, 18 January 2017 21:26:29 UTC