Test case format (explicit results)

I’m interested in altering the Test case format (explicit results) model.  We have the following on the table at present:

  "name": "axe-core",
  "version": "2.1.7",
  "license": "MPL-2.0",
  "a11y-testcases": [{
    "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dequelabs/axe-core/master/test/integration/rules/image-alt/image-alt.html",
    "test": ["wcag20:text-equiv-all", "WCAG-TECHS:G90.html", "mytool:image-alt"],
    "failed": ["#violation1", "#violation2", "#violation3",
    "passed": ["#pass1", "#pass2", "#pass3", "#pass4", "#pass5",
  }, {

I’d be more interested in each piece of “failing or passing” content having it’s own meta – rather than using arrays of bunched data.  The reason being that adding an example should not break loads of other stuff, our cause a maintenance headache.

We’re also looking to automate the transpile of our unit test content into this format, and that is aided by having individual test cases defined separately.

I would propose the following:

  "organisation": "",
  "license": "",
  "a11y-testcases": [
    "url" or "htmlFragment": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dequelabs/axe-core/master/test/integration/rules/image-alt/image-alt.html#monkeys",
    "wcagRefs": ["wcag20:text-equiv-all", "WCAG-TECHS:G90.html"],
    "conforms":false | true]
  etc… per piece of content...

The option to provide a url or HTML fragment would be very useful in terms of consuming other peoples data…
The “conforms” status is simply set to a true or false.

I have also dropped the testId as it’s not necessary, and could make the test cases subject to change.

Thoughts / comments welcome.  But, it would be good to get this nailed-down as soon as possible, so we can move ahead with publishing the test cases…


Received on Friday, 15 December 2017 14:19:57 UTC