OAA rule set and Conceptual Model for Web Accessibility Evaluation

These are recommended resources by Dr. Gunderson, University of Illinois for ACT “framework” and Shadi at W3C suggested me to share these in the list.

1)       Evaluation rule set


More info: http://disability.illinois.edu/accessible-it-group/web-accessibility/evaluation-and-design-tools

2)       Conceptual Model for Web Accessibility Evaluation


The text of the link:
Conceptual Model for Web Accessibility Evaluation

A conceptual model describes all of the objects, actions and concepts, and their relationships within a system.

A. Web resource objects

   1.  element: an HTML element, its attributes and properties
   2.  page: an HTML document, including its top-level element

B. Web resource definitions

   1.  element definition: an HTML element name (or wildcard denoting any element) and an optional predicate, e.g. input[type="text"]
   2.  target elements: the set of HTML elements defined by one or more element definitions
   3.  target resources: the set of web resources to which a rule is applied (typically target elements but may also include the top-level page)

C. Evaluation objects

   1.  accessibility rule: the requirements that one or more target resources must meet
   2.  rule category: a grouping of rules with related accessibility requirements or target resources
   3.  rule mapping: the membership properties of an accessibility rule within a ruleset (e.g. whether a rule is required or recommended)
   4.  ruleset: a collection of rule mappings tailored for a particular audience and with a set of standards compliance goals (e.g. WCAG 2.0)

D. Evaluation actions and results

   1.  rule evaluation: the application of an accessibility rule to its target resources
   2.  result value: one of the following: violation, warning, pass, manual check, not applicable
      *   a rule mapping specifies whether a rule is required or recommended
      *   violation is the result value when a required rule fails
      *   warning is the result value when a recommended rule fails
      *   pass, manual check and not applicable values are common to both required and recommended rules
   3.  element result: the result of a rule evaluation with respect to one of its target elements
   4.  rule result: the aggregate result of a rule evaluation with respect to its target resources (all of its target elements and/or the entire page)
   5.  summary result: an aggregation of element and/or rule results (organized and quantified in various ways, e.g. percentage of pass results)

Further breakdown of evaluation objects
accessibility rule

   *   title: a concise or abbreviated statement of the rule definition
   *   definition: the markup patterns or requirements that must be present in, or met by, the target resources
   *   target resources: the set of web resources to which this rule applies
   *   scope: element or page: specifies the level of the target resources (which affects how the rule result is calculated and reported)
   *   purpose: an explanation of why the rule is important
   *   techniques: the specific markup patterns that are required or recommended for passing the rule
   *   manual checks: the list of questions the user needs to ask when performing a manual check
   *   corrective action: concise description of what needs to be done to remedy a failure or perform a manual check
   *   element properties: the specific properties of the target elements to which the rule definition pertains
   *   category: the rule category to which the rule belongs
   *   primary requirement id: reference to the most pertinent WCAG 2.0 Success Criterion for this rule
   *   related requirement ids: list of references to other WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria, ordered by pertinence
   *   language dependency: the languages upon which the rule depends, if any
   *   informational links: links to examples, articles or other resources relating to the rule definition and/or techniques
   *   last updated: date of most recent changes
   *   id: unique identifier for the rule (referenced by rule mappings, element results and rule results)

rule category

   *   a grouping of rules with related accessibility requirements or target resources
   *   informational links: links to further documentation re. the set of rules and their relationships
   *   examples of categories based on rules related by accessibility requirements: Color Contrast, Landmarks, Language
   *   examples of categories based on rules related by target resources: Images/Media, Controls, Headings, Links, Lists, Tables, Abbr/Acronym

rule mapping

   *   type: required or recommended
   *   enabled: true or false
   *   rule id: identifier of the accessibility rule to which the above properties are being mapped


   *   a collection of rule mappings tailored for a particular audience and with a set of standards compliance goals (e.g. WCAG 2.0, Levels A & AA)
   *   Note: via rule mappings, the rule type (required or recommended) for any given rule can vary from one ruleset to another
   *   Note: via rule mappings, one ruleset may include rules that other rulesets omit and vice versa (using the "enabled" property)

Further breakdown of evaluation results
element result

   *   the element name and its document position
   *   the result value at the element level
   *   a result message, including a corrective action when appropriate
   *   pertinent element properties and values, which may help identify the element
   *   Note: the element result value may be one of the evaluation result values defined above or hidden
      *   for example, for rules with element scope, the element-level result value may be hidden, indicating that the element was not visible to assistive technologies
   *   rule id: identifier of the accessibility rule that was applied to obtain this result

rule result

   *   the result value at the rule level
   *   a result message, including a corrective action when appropriate
   *   the set of element results used in the overall determination of the rule result
   *   page-level properties and their values as applicable (when the rule has page scope)
   *   rule id: identifier of the accessibility rule that was applied to obtain this result

summary result

   *   at the lowest level, a single rule result
   *   aggregation of rule results by web resource objects:
      *   element: all results for all rules that apply to a particular element; all results for all rules that apply to a set of elements (e.g. all images)
      *   page: all results for all page-level rules; all results for all element-level rules that apply to any elements on the page
   *   aggregation of rule results at page level by WCAG success criteria
   *   aggregation of rule results at page level by WCAG Level (A, AA, AAA)
   *   aggregation of rule results at page level by rule type (required, recommended)
   *   a list of all rules that were not evaluated (enabled = false)

JaEun Jemma Ku, PhD
Internet Applications Systems Specialist
University library
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
424 Library, M/C 522
1408 West Gregory Dr.
Urbana, IL 61801

Received on Monday, 17 October 2016 22:48:41 UTC