- From: Wilco Fiers <wilco.fiers@deque.com>
- Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2016 12:29:05 +0100
- To: public-wcag-act@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAHVyjGPooHtZNUtW1G6Jitjc_Xij1mqZj_AC0_iyUpcdpLERaw@mail.gmail.com>
[16:01] <cpandhi> looking for webex password [16:02] <agarrison> Is the telecon bridge not open yet? [16:02] <shadi> sorry, just getting setup from the airport [16:03] <@Wilco> charu, you joining us? [16:04] <agarrison> Could be this one - http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/about/conferencing-global-access-numbers.html [16:05] <agarrison> Whats the password [16:05] <agarrison> for webex [16:06] <shadi> auto-wcag [16:06] <MoeKraft> What's the WebEx password? [16:06] <shadi> auto-wcag [16:07] * shadi having technical issues locally :( [16:08] <@Wilco> shadi, can you get the bots in here? [16:09] <shadi> yes, type: /invite zakim #auto-wcag [16:09] <shadi> and rrsagent too [16:10] <@Wilco> - Rule template update https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/pull/15 [16:10] <@Wilco> topic: template update [16:10] <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/11/17-auto-wcag-irc [16:11] <agarrison> Wilco - Hope you have had a chance to look at the page. [16:11] <agarrison> Wilco - There have been several changes to the template. [16:12] <agarrison> Wilco - investigate implementation section in template. [16:12] <agarrison> Wilco - change log has been added. [16:12] <agarrison> AG - Where can we see the final version of it? [16:12] <@Wilco> https://github.com/WilcoFiers/auto-wcag/blob/b0442b231adc1f6308623ee25f924690b6d0e792/pages/rule-design.md [16:13] <@Wilco> https://github.com/WilcoFiers/auto-wcag/blob/b0442b231adc1f6308623ee25f924690b6d0e792/pages/rule-template.md [16:15] <agarrison> AG - I notice user input placed within rules. [16:16] <emmajpr_bbc> Sorry I'm late [16:17] <agarrison> Wilco - Some you can automatically test up to the human. [16:18] <agarrison> AG - Some rules include / need human input. [16:19] <agarrison> Katie - Under test subject - in yesterday's meeting we talked about WCAG meeting. Do we want to add the subject of packaged set of documents. [16:19] <agarrison> Katie - as a space-holder. [16:20] <agarrison> Katie - we now should be addressing publications. [16:20] <agarrison> Katie - test cases - we should add document package. [16:20] <@Wilco> https://github.com/WilcoFiers/auto-wcag/blob/b0442b231adc1f6308623ee25f924690b6d0e792/pages/rule-template.md [16:20] <agarrison> Wilco - is that the old version. [16:20] <agarrison> Wilco - it's under environment. [16:21] <Ryladog> https://github.com/WilcoFiers/auto-wcag/blob/b0442b231adc1f6308623ee25f924690b6d0e792/pages/rule-design.md [16:21] <agarrison> Wilco - up to now we haven't written rules for that, but it makes sense. [16:21] <Ryladog> https://github.com/WilcoFiers/auto-wcag/blob/b0442b231adc1f6308623ee25f924690b6d0e792/pages/rule-design.md [16:22] <agarrison> Wilco - this isn't the one that has been updated. [16:22] <agarrison> Wilco - we'll need to update some of the terms on this page. [16:22] <@Wilco> https://github.com/WilcoFiers/auto-wcag/blob/b0442b231adc1f6308623ee25f924690b6d0e792/pages/rule-template.md [16:22] <agarrison> Katie - we'll need to include a document package as an option for testing. [16:23] <agarrison> AG - now how broad are we looking. It was previously web content. [16:23] <agarrison> Katie - It is wel content - like a Daisy book. [16:24] <agarrison> Katie - It has a navigation system inside a book package. [16:26] <agarrison> Katie - it's the same rules, just has to go inside the document package. [16:27] <agarrison> Katie - it should just be included in rule design. [16:27] <MoeKraft> Katie, can you repost the link? I'm not seeing it. Thanks, Moe [16:28] <agarrison> Emma - we would only need to state there is a package if there is something different about the package. [16:28] <agarrison> Emma - is there anything about a web package that would need additional pieces of tests rules to be run. [16:28] <agarrison> Katie - don't know. [16:29] <agarrison> Katie - just trying to be inclusive of new part of W3C. [16:29] <agarrison> Emma - we should keep it in mind. [16:29] <agarrison> Wilco - agree [16:29] <@Wilco> https://github.com/WilcoFiers/auto-wcag/blob/b0442b231adc1f6308623ee25f924690b6d0e792/pages/rule-template.md [16:30] <agarrison> Wilco - any further comments. [16:31] <cpandhi> can you hear me? [16:31] <agarrison> Emma - it's quite a different structure. [16:32] <agarrison> Emma - step 2 would be for more manual testing. [16:32] <agarrison> Emma - background in middle is a little odd. [16:33] <agarrison> Wilco - the background was dropped down, as it was less important. [16:34] <agarrison> Charu - background and assumptions - I'm a little confused about the two - is there overlap. [16:34] * jemma can anyone let me know webex pw? [16:34] <agarrison> Wilco - no. No overlap. [16:35] <agarrison> Charu - Limitations / false positives in assumptions. [16:35] <agarrison> Charu - Step 1 fail / pass - do we need to do both? [16:35] <jemma> present+ JaEunJemmaKu [16:35] <jemma> rssagents, make minutes [16:35] <agarrison> Wilco - there can be multiple reasons why something passed. [16:36] <agarrison> Wilco - to know at which point something exited the procedure. [16:36] * jemma webex pw please? [16:36] <agarrison> Charu - we don't have any where that says pass. [16:37] <agarrison> Charu - an example would be good to make it clear. [16:37] <agarrison> Wilco - in what way? [16:37] <agarrison> Charu - not saying we should change things. Just having a problem understanding it. [16:38] <agarrison> Emma - if its passing they don't need to know much. If they are failing they need more information. [16:38] <agarrison> Wilco - the default is non-applicable. [16:38] * shadi jemma auto-wcag [16:38] * jemma thanks ;-) [16:38] <agarrison> Charu - won't that always be the case if they don't fail. [16:39] <agarrison> Wilco - you just change the interface to say you only want to see fails. [16:39] <shadi> q+ [16:40] <agarrison> Emma - should we not concentrate on non-applicable or fail. [16:40] <MoeKraft> have to drop. Good work everyone. [16:40] <agarrison> Emma - not thinking about a rule test as a whole. Step is only applicable to the content that is found. [16:44] <agarrison> AG - the tests are very complicated. That is why you need to supply information about a pass. [16:45] <shadi_> q- shadi [16:46] <agarrison> Wilco - there are loads of rules with one exit point. [16:50] <agarrison> Charu - you might want to filter out the interview questions. [16:53] <agarrison> Charu - we are looking at DevOPs so we need more automation. [16:55] <agarrison> Emma- we are looking at color contrast. Were do we split things. [17:00] <agarrison> Emma - we have tests with config. [17:01] <agarrison> Charu - could we focus on simpler tests firsts. [17:01] <agarrison> Emma - suggestion for template. [17:02] <agarrison> Emma - need to make it clear that step one and step two don't need to be together. [17:03] <agarrison> https://www.w3.org/community/auto-wcag/wiki/SC1-1-1-text-alternative [17:03] <agarrison> Emma - assumptions - not knowing what goes into an assumption. [17:03] <agarrison> Emma = we need to clarify. [17:08] <agarrison> AG - If you look at the rule you can see they are very complicated. [17:10] <agarrison> Emma - could we place the existing rules into templates. [17:10] <agarrison> AG - We should also aline test suites. [17:11] <agarrison> Wilco - we can pool aXe test suites. [17:11] <agarrison> Wilco - what would a template for a test suite look like. [17:13] <agarrison> Wilco - we need to take a step back and look at what we are doing - there is a bunch of baggage that came with the EIII. [17:14] <emmajpr_bbc> #notmyrule ... LOL [17:14] <agarrison> Charu - looking at the complex rule, we would create atomic tests instead. [17:14] <@Wilco> https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/tree/master/_rules [17:14] <agarrison> Wilco - I have work to do on the template. [17:14] <agarrison> Wilco - for you - we need to look through our existing rules. [17:15] <agarrison> Wilco - give us a list of changes which we could make to these. [17:15] <agarrison> Charu - I'll take lang rule. [17:16] <agarrison> Wilco - issues need to be created for each action item. [17:18] <agarrison> Charu - I'll take 1.1.2 [17:19] <agarrison> Emma - 4.1.1s - I'll take all of them apart from tag nesting. [17:20] <agarrison> Katie - Focus on viewport. [17:20] <agarrison> Wilco - Takes on 1.1.1. [17:21] <agarrison> Wilco - create an issue for the one you took on in GitHub. [17:21] <agarrison> Wilco - Aggregation work. [17:23] <agarrison> AG - Approach is outlined in email sent a while ago. [17:24] <agarrison> Wilco - Rule Aggregation on GitHub. [17:24] <agarrison> Katie - what do I do with 1.4.7. [17:24] <agarrison> Wilco - review it, and try and fit it into new template. [17:25] <agarrison> Wilco - we need to reflect on the work we've done so far. [17:25] <agarrison> Wilco - next meeting Dec 15th 2016 [17:26] <agarrison> Wilco - Emma would you be able to send an update for colour contrast test. [17:26] <agarrison> Emma - Rob and I are very busy. [17:26] <agarrison> Emma - We took a lot in from the last meeting. [17:27] <agarrison> Emma - we'll try and do it by the preceding Tuesday. [17:27] <agarrison> Charu - let's get the atomic rules in. [17:27] <agarrison> Charu - I'll try to get the pull request for next meeting. [17:28] <agarrison> Shadi - all for atomic. -- *Wilco Fiers* - Senior Accessibility Engineer
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Received on Friday, 18 November 2016 11:29:39 UTC