[EOWG Videos] - Next meeting and homework

Hi EOWG Video Subgroup,

Hope you are all doing well. I just wanted to send a reminder about our next meeting and the small bit of homework to do prior to the meeting.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, 24 May at 8:30AM Eastern Time.

Homework: Please review the *early* draft script for Auditory. Please remember that we are not looking for detailed/wording comments on the Auditory script yet - for now it is more conceptual: what do we want to say and show? You can find the link to the Auditory script on the following page: https://wai-people-use-web-videos.netlify.app/people-use-web/videos/#diverse-abilities-and-barriers

Talk to you all next week.

Brent A. Bakken  |  Director, Accessibility Strategy & Education  |  (512) 202-1087  |  brent.bakken@pearson.com<mailto:brent.bakken@pearson.com>  |  Pearson

Received on Friday, 20 May 2022 16:20:19 UTC