Re: Call for Papers: Accessible Way-Finding Using Web Technologies - Online Symposium

I'm happy to participate as a reviewer.


On 22.9.2014 10:29, Christos Kouroupetroglou wrote:
> Hello all,
> As you may have noticed the CfP for our next sympoium is out. We have
> already started our publicity efforts to attract submissions but we also
> need people who are willing to serve as the scientific committee.
> Knowing that members of the group have always shown increased interest for
> our symposiums we are inviting whoever wants to join the scientific
> committee for the symposium. So, whoever wants to join email me, Vivenne or
> Annika (or all three of us) and we'll note them down on the list.
> Also, feel free to suggest and forward this invitation (copyig us in the
> email) to coalleugues and people that you feel they might be appropriate
> for that role.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Regards,
> Christos.
> PS. Klaus and Yeliz, since you have successfully distributed calls for past
> symposiums... could you help us with the distribution to the lists? The
> wiki page / table for the symposium is here...
> Feel free to delete lists that are irrelevant and insert new...
> ᐧ
> ------------------------------------------
> Dr. Christos Kouroupetroglou
> Web Accessibility Research & Engineering
> Website:
> Blog:
> 2014-09-17 19:44 GMT+03:00 Shawn Henry <>:
>> Dear WAI Interest Group Participants,
>> The W3C WAI Research and Development Working Group (RDWG) invites you to
>> contribute to the online symposium on Accessible Way-Finding Using Web
>> Technologies, described at:
>> Submission date: *20 October 2014*
>> Symposium date: *3 December 2014*
>> This online symposium invites researchers, practitioners, and users with
>> disabilities, to explore new and on-going research and development on
>> accessible way-finding using web technologies. It examines different
>> technologies, applications, concepts, and solutions that help people with
>> disabilities orient themselves, explore, and navigate through the physical
>> world. The goal of this symposium is to:
>> - explore current state-of-the-art in accessible way-finding
>> - better understand the accessibility needs and preferences of people with
>> disabilities
>> - explore promising web technologies and developments to provide
>> accessible way-finding
>> We invite research and position papers of about 1,000 words. Submissions
>> will be peer-reviewed.
>> Accepted papers will be published online in an attributable form as part
>> of the symposium proceedings. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to
>> participate in the symposium panel.
>> *For more information about the symposium and submissions, please see*:
>>   - Accessible Way-Finding Using Web Technologies main page: <
>>   - Call for Papers: <>
>> If you are interested in contributing to this Symposium, please submit
>> your paper by:
>>          *20 October 2013*
>> Feel free to circulate this message to other lists; please avoid
>> cross-postings where possible.
>> ---------
>> RDWG Background:
>> The Research and Development Working Group (RDWG) helps:
>>   - increase accessibility considerations in research on web technologies,
>> including mainstream research,
>>   - suggest research questions that may contribute to web accessibility
>> research projects,
>>   - inform development of web accessibility solutions,
>>   - decrease the number of potential barriers in future web-related
>> technologies.
>> RDWG Symposia bring together researchers, practitioners, and users with
>> disabilities interested in a particular aspect of web accessibility to
>> advance research and development in that area. The online Symposia include
>> a panel with the authors of accepted papers, and provide an opportunity for
>> participants to ask questions. Symposia proceedings, transcript, and a
>> report are available publicly online afterward.
>> For more information, see the RDWG FAQ: <>
>> We welcome your ideas on this topic and your ideas for future RDWG work.
>> Please send comments to the publicly-archived mailing list: <
>> This Symposium is developed with support of the EC-funded WAI-ACT Project
>> (IST 287725) described at: <>
>> If you have any questions, contact Shadi Abou-Zahra:
>> Regards,
>> Shawn Henry, WAI Outreach
>> Simon Harper, RDWG Chair
>> Shadi Abou-Zahra, RDWG W3C Staff Contact
>> -----
>> Shawn Lawton Henry
>> W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
>> Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
>> e-mail:
>> phone: +1.617.395.7664
>> about:

Shadi Abou-Zahra -
Activity Lead, W3C/WAI International Program Office
Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT WG)
Research and Development Working Group (RDWG)

Received on Monday, 22 September 2014 13:39:18 UTC