RDWG teleconference is scheduled for Wednesday 22nd Oct 2014

Hi Everyone,

The teleconference scheduled for Wednesday 22nd Oct 2014 is Cancelled as neither Shadi or 
myself are available.


Disclaimer: *You should realise that email is not secure*.

  1. Please do not send me anything you think may be sensitive,
  2. or that contravenes Data Protection <http://www.dataprotection.manchester.ac.uk/>,
  3. unless you have encrypted the message <https://www.gnupg.org/>.
  4. Too brief? Slow response? See the Email Charter <http://emailcharter.org>


Simon Harper <http://www.manchester.ac.uk/research/simon.harper/>

  1. Contact Me <http://simon.harper.name/contact/>
  2. Web Ergonomics Lab <http://wel.cs.manchester.ac.uk>

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2014 14:37:51 UTC