Re: CfP Accessible Way-Finding using Web Technologies Comments

Hi all,

I 've just updated the objectives and they are now down to 8!,_navigation_and_exploration_systems#Objectives

What do you think? I suggest that we leave the new scope and objectives
parts in and delete the old one.



Dr. Christos Kouroupetroglou
Web Accessibility Research & Engineering

2014-08-27 10:58 GMT+03:00 Christos Kouroupetroglou <>

> Hi Simon and all,
> In response (hopefully quick) to your email, I included an objectives
> section in the page and also created a suggested new version of the scope
> (which obsiously does not include the questions).
> In the meeting we can see which ones to use and how.
> Regards,
> Christos.
> ᐧ
> ------------------------------------------
> Dr. Christos Kouroupetroglou
> Web Accessibility Research & Engineering
> Website:
> Blog:
> 2014-08-27 10:22 GMT+03:00 Simon Harper <>:
> Hi everyone, so my comments for this CfP.
>> In general I like it - new title is good (Accessible Way-Finding using
>> Web Technologies)
>> Invitation, Introduction, Background, Dates, Submission, Review,
>> Copyright, Chairs, SC all look fine to me.
>> The only thing I think needs some changes are the 'Scope and Reseach
>> Questions'. First I don't like to exclude just in case we get something
>> good; indeed, the CfP is supposed to give a favour of what we're looking
>> for and a loose scope IMO. So I don't like:
>> NOTE: The scope of the symposium does NOT include:
>> Discussions about new indoor and outdoor positioning technologies in
>> general
>> Discussions about the effectiveness, precision or interoperability of
>> positioning and navigation systems in general.
>> Discussions about dynamic information integration in way-finding and
>> navigation systems that does not relate to accessibility.
>> Next when I look back at all the other Symposia at
>> They don't have a big 'Scope and Reseach Questions' section but have a
>> tight 'objectives' section which starts:
>> 'The objectives of this symposium are to' then there are probably the
>> between 8-10 statements.
>> for example
>> I think if we could really thing about what the objectives are we would
>> be able to do this pretty fast.
>> In fact some (most) already exist for instance from the current call
>> 'Are current way-finding systems accessible for people with disabilities?
>> What are the main challenges and can web technologies help to address them?'
>> could be re-written as
>> Uncover the main challenges of accessible way-finding so as to understand
>> how web technologies can help address them?
>> so we might have our first
>> The objectives of this symposium are to:
>>         * Uncover the main challenges of accessible way-finding so as to
>> understand how web technologies can help address them?
>> Just my thoughts!
>> Cheers
>> Si.
>> On 27/08/2014 07:56, Simon Harper wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> the CfP for Accessible Way-Finding using Web Technologies is available
>>> comments
>>> finding,_navigation_and_exploration_systems
>>> Could you skim it and send comments in time for today meeting please.
>>> Cheers
>>> Si.
>> --
>> Too brief? Slow response? See the Email Charter <>
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------------------------
>> Simon Harper <>
>>  1. Contact Me <>
>>  2. Web Ergonomics Lab <>

Received on Thursday, 28 August 2014 08:48:41 UTC