RDWG: Agenda for Teleconference on Wednesday 09 April 2014 - CANCELLED

RDWG Agenda for Teleconference on Wednesday 09 April 2014 - CANCELLED.

Next Week is cancelled due to the W4A Conference.


Too brief? Slow response? There is a reason - see the Email Charter. <http://emailcharter.org>


Simon Harper
My Business Card <http://simon.harper.name/about/card/>
Schedule a Meeting <http://doodle.com/simon.harper.name>

University of Manchester (UK)
Web Ergonomics Lab <http://wel.cs.manchester.ac.uk>
Information Management Group

Find me on:

   * ORC-ID <http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9301-5049>
   * Google <http://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=SQEdResAAAAJ>
   * ACM Bibliometrics <http://dl.acm.org/author_page.cfm?id=81100139139>
   * Research Gate <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Simon_Harper/>

   * Bitbucket (sharpic) <https://bitbucket.org/sharpic>
   * GitHub (sharpic) <https://github.com/sharpic>

Received on Wednesday, 2 April 2014 13:56:53 UTC