Availability for f2f meeting at WWW 2013

Dear RDWG,

As discussed today, it may be an opportunity to hold a face-to-face 
meeting at WWW 2013 since many of us will be attending W4A anyway.

Please indicate your likely availability for such a meeting:
  - https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/47076/RDWG_f2f_WWW2013/

Note: This meeting is not yet confirmed!


Shadi Abou-Zahra - http://www.w3.org/People/shadi/
Activity Lead, W3C/WAI International Program Office
Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT WG)
Research and Development Working Group (RDWG)

Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2013 18:11:04 UTC