- From: DavidSloan <DSloan@computing.dundee.ac.uk>
- Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2013 12:16:29 +0100
- To: "RDWG" <public-wai-rd@w3.org>
Hi all I also like the idea of identifying (say) alternate RDWG meetings as admin/managerial and research discussion, and Christos’ blog-post-as-minutes idea is a good one too. The concern would be if people only participated in the research discussion meetings, and management was left for only a couple of people to deal with! Also, Shadi reminded me that I’d expressed an interest in the "Tips for Accessibility-Aware Research" mentioned in the current charter. I think this would still be a valuable resource for RDWG to provide, and would be keen to see it retained as a planned activity and output of the group. It seems to me that such a deliverable could serve two purposes: 1. accessible dissemination of research output (including links to e.g. best practice in accessible document authoring and presentations) 2. guidance on considering the accessibility implications of innovations emerging from research activity (e.g. the development of tools, standards, investigations into specific relevant web technologies where a failure to consider diverse user needs might introduce new barriers). This second purpose will obviously be the more challenging one to address, and will probably require from the group a shared reflection of past innovations in web technology that have presented problems from an accessibility perspective. Dave From: Christos Kouroupetroglou [mailto:chris.kourou@gmail.com] Sent: 28 March 2013 00:46 To: Yeliz Yesilada Cc: Simon Harper; RDWG Subject: Re: RDWG Charter Renewal Hello everyone, I really like the idea of research discussion meetings and I'd like to tie this with the discussions we had now and then about a little bit more informal channel of communication and engagement from researchers. So, I was thinking that these discussions could lead to the writing of short blog posts summarizing the discussion and presenting the main outcomes whatever they are (research questions/ ideas/ debates/ etc.). Given that we allow comments on these blog posts, this could help the discussions to be kept alive and open to public even after their end. Regards, Christos ------------------------------------------ Dr. Christos Kouroupetroglou Web Accessibility Research & Engineering Website: http://aetos.it.teithe.gr/~kourou/ Blog: http://a11y2020.wordpress.com/ 2013/3/27 Yeliz Yesilada <yyeliz@metu.edu.tr> On 27 Mar 2013, at 17:23, Simon Harper wrote: > Further, we've noticed that meetings can be quite managerial and so it > is our desire to put the research back into them by making 1 or 2 > meetings a month research discussions only? Does this sound like > something you'd like - again comments to the list please. +1 I think this is a very good idea. It would be very good to discuss interesting research topics in the meetings. Regards, Yeliz. The University of Dundee is a Scottish Registered Charity, No. SC015096.
Received on Monday, 8 April 2013 11:17:22 UTC