Re: extend commenting deadline for draft metrics report?

Hi Giorgio,

That is one way of looking at it. Another is to ask ourselves if we 
sufficiently reached out to the busy people out there who were just 
coming back from vacations or what not, and missed the call so far.

Given that we want a well vetted and broadly consensed resource, it is 
our obligation to be that self-critical. Usually a W3C draft with such 
little public review and input wouldn't meet publication requirements.

Anyway, on today's call we decided to do a compromise of only one week 
extension where the participants will do more effort of forwarding the 
call for review to lists and individuals who may be interested in this 
subject. The more input we get the faster we can complete the process!


On 26.9.2012 19:38, giorgio brajnik wrote:
> Hi Shadi.
> Why should we extend?
> I would say that the small number of comments is due more to lack of
> interest or lack of reasons for commenting rather than not being able to
> do so in the allotted time. Thus, extending the deadline will only
> postpone the moment we freeze that thing. It would not help in improving
> its quality.
>    Giorgio Brajnik
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Dip. di Matematica e Informatica | voice: +39 (0432) 55.8445
> Università di Udine | fax: +39 (0432) 55.8499
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> On 09/26/2012 08:59 AM, Shadi Abou-Zahra wrote:
>> Hi Markel, Giorgio, Joshue, and RDWG,.
>> So far we've only received two comments on the Web Accessibility Metrics
>> Research Report draft:
>>   - <>
>> Before issuing a reminder for comments we should also consider extending
>> the commenting deadline. Any thoughts on this?
>> PS: WG participants are equally welcome to send comments!
>> Regards,
>>    Shadi

Shadi Abou-Zahra -
Activity Lead, W3C/WAI International Program Office
Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT WG)
Research and Development Working Group (RDWG)

Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2012 19:07:51 UTC