- From: Klaus Miesenberger <Klaus.Miesenberger@jku.at>
- Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 14:07:50 +0100
- To: "Felix Sasaki" <felix.sasaki@dfki.de>,<an@ftb-volmarstein.de>, "Luz Rello" <luzrello@gmail.com>, "Birgit Peböck" <birgit_p@ki-i.at>, <leealaura.leskela@kvl.fi>, <sami.alli@kvl.fi>, <mats.lundalv@vgregion.se>, "RDWG" <public-wai-rd@w3.org>, "Shadi Abou-Zahra" <shadi@w3.org>, "Shawn Henry" <shawn@w3.org>
- Cc: "Andrea Petz" <Andrea.Petz@jku.at>, "Kerstin Matausch" <kerstin.matausch@ki-i.at>
- Message-Id: <50A4F73602000099000F215B@gwia1.im.jku.at>
Dear colleagues of the Scientific Committee of the Easy to Read Symposium, dear RDWG colleagues, the review process is over and we have accepted 14 contributions - once more thanks for your support. We made a first grouping for the programme which you find at the end of the mail. We should now define general questions we put to the panel of speakers. Here a first proposal of general questions we would like to put and ask panelists to relate their paper/work to it in preparing an answer: 1) Based on your paper, research and experiences, which are the key aspects that should be added to WCAG2.0 to better include Easy to Read. 2) How do you see the transferability of Easy to Read guidelines, concepts and tools between different languages and cultural contexts. 3) How would you value the chances to implement a) Plain Language and b) Easy to Read in everyday web design processes. Please comment and help finding the best questions for the panel! You will have access to the camera ready papers, soon. This will be the time to come up with specific questions for individual papers. We'll keep you posted! Many thanks and best greetings Klaus Miesenberger ________________________________ Here the list of accepted papers, already grouped as planned for the symposium: A) Easy to Read Guidelines and impact on WCAG2.0 1. Easy-to-Read and Plain Language: Defining Criteria and Refining Rules (Kerstin Matausch, Annika Nietzio) 2. Some Challenges for developing an Easy-to-Read Website (Sami Älli) 3. Guidelines or standards for Easy-to-read? (Leealaura Leskelä) B) Tools for Easy to Read 4. Bridging the Gap between Pictographs and Natural Language (Vincent Vandeghinste) 5. Reporting Simply: A Lexical Simplification Strategy for Enhancing Text Accessibility (Biljana Drndarevic, Sanja Stajner; Horacio Saggio9 6. Improving the Readability of User-generated Content in Web Games Using Text Normalisation (Alejandro Mosquera, Paloma Moreda) 7. Easy-to-read text characteristics across genres (Katarina Mühlenbock, Mats Lundälv, Sandra Derbring) 8. Calculating text complexity during the authoring phase (Licia Sbattella, Roberto Tedesco) 9. Evaluation of Terminology Labeling Impact over Readability (Vasile Topac, Vasile Stoicu-Tivadar) 10. MIA - My Internet Assistant for successfully reading and using web content (Thea van der Geest, Jana Becker) C) Workflow, Process and Services of Easy to Read 11. Accessibility 2.0 - Providing improved Access to text information for People with cognitive and intellectual disabilities by user generated content (Michael Schaten) 12. Including Easy to Read, Legibility and Readability into Web Engineering (Klaus Miesenberger, Kerstin Matausch, Andrea Petz) 13. Social Networking Service for People with Cognitive or Speech and Language Impairments (Timo Övermark) 14. Text Customization for People with Cognitive Disabilities: Opportunities (Clyton Lewis) a.Univ.Prof.Dr. Klaus Miesenberger University of Linz, Institut Integriert Studieren Altenbergerstrasse 69, A-4040 Linz klaus.miesenberger@jku.at, http://www.integriert-studieren.jku.at/ Tel: +43-732-2468-3751 Fax: ...-23751 International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, ICCHP: http://www.icchp.org International Camps on Computers&Communication, ICC: http://www.icc-camp.info/ Association for the Advancement for Assistive Technology in Europe, AAATE: www.aaate.net eAccess+ The eAccessibility newtork: www.eaccessplus.eu Austrian Computer Society, OCG: www.ocg.at/
Received on Thursday, 15 November 2012 13:08:23 UTC