Re: e2r: selection of papers and format of symposium

Hi Klaus,

this is really great news - I agree wrt 1 and 2  - my worry is that we
won't be able to run through all papers in the time we have available. I
wonder if it is worth having 2 symposiums and 1 note?


PS I check my email at 08:00 and 17:00 GMT. If you require a faster response please include the word 'fast' in the subject line.

Simon Harper

University of Manchester (UK)
Web Ergonomics Lab - Information Management Group

On 02/11/2012 08:50, Klaus Miesenberger wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> unfortunatly Sandy blew away our telco this week  - I do hope that
> Simon and others are not affected too much by this.
> Following our timeline we have to notify submitters about acceptance
> or decline of papers for the symposium - that's what I wanted to
> discuss on Wednesday.
> Here is a proposal, following a chair meeting we did in Linz, for both
> acceptance and symposium structure (numbers refer to the list attached)
> A) Acceptance our of 17 submissions
> 1) Clear accept for 11 papers: 8, 11, 2, 3, 9, 12, 13, 17, 4, 16, 10
> 2) Tend to accept for 3 papers: 6, 5, 15
> 3) Not accept for 3 papers: 1, 7, 14
> Our suggestion is to accept 1) and 2) due to the following reasons:
> a) They all provide very valuable information on a new topic; pushing
> this field as a new research area merits to include a broad perspective
> b) It is hard to evaluate on basis of short abstracts. The difference
> in quality is not that high.
> c) And most important: Selecting these  14 papers would support a fine
> structuring of the symposium:
> B) Thematic Grouping of 14 papers:
> 1) Guidelines and WCAG update: 4,9,10
> 2) Tools: 2,(5), (6), 12, 13, (15), 17
> 3) Workflow, Process, Services: 3, 8, 11, 16
> C) Programme
> Panel A: Guidelines (25 min)
>    - prepared questions to all panelists (15)
>    - open questions (10)
> Panel B: Tools (60 min)
>    - prepared question to all panelists (40)
>    - open questions (20)
> Panel C: Workflow, Process, Services (30 min)
>    - prepared questions to all panelists (20)
>    - open questions (10)
> Follow up discussion for interested people
> Before sending out notifications I wanted to ask if the group could
> basically agree to this strucutre. I will inform all contributors that
> the notification will be delayed till Monday. Therefore I would need
> feedback till Monday noon next week.
> Many thanks
> Klaus
> a.Univ.Prof.Dr. Klaus Miesenberger
> University of Linz, Institut Integriert Studieren
> Altenbergerstrasse 69, A-4040 Linz
> <>,
> Tel: +43-732-2468-3751 Fax: ...-23751
> International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special
> Needs, ICCHP: <>
> International Camps on Computers&Communication, ICC:
> Association for the Advancement for Assistive Technology in Europe,
> AAATE: <>
> eAccess+ The eAccessibility newtork:
> <>
> Austrian Computer Society, OCG: <>

Received on Friday, 2 November 2012 10:13:58 UTC