Re: Antw: 'Text Customisation' and 'Easy to Read'

Hi Klaus,

Good news  - thanks! I think that we can handle putting the deadline for 
this topic back - no problem. In this case could you take a short look 
at the pre-call that Shawn has provided and see what form of words/ 
small addition would be suitable to add to the text customisation call - 
I think Shawn already has something in mind. It would be useful for the 
editors to agree to this before next weeks call.

Shawn / Klaus

I also wonder if we want to have the calls and symposia as separate 
entities, but maybe combine the scientific committee and the submission 
system - and submission deadline (maybe August 13th) giving 1 clear 
month after ICCHP? Authors would then just pick the seminar they wish to 
submit to? Just an idea - otherwise we can keep everything separate.



PS I check my email at 08:00 and 17:00 GMT. If you require a faster response please include the word 'fast' in the subject line.

Simon Harper

University of Manchester (UK)
Web Ergonomics Lab - Information Management Group

On 24/05/2012 08:55, Klaus Miesenberger wrote:
> Simon, all,
> Andrea Petz and I would like to volunteer to act as editors on e2r.
> We will work on the call but we would like to see the deadline for 
> submissions a good period behind ICCHP (July 11-13) as we do hope to 
> establish contacts there.
> Greetings
> Andrea&Klaus
> >>> Simon Harper <> 23.05.2012 16:54 >>>
> Hi everyone,
> Today's topic involved a discussion regarding the interrelated topics of
> 'text customisation' and 'easy to read'. We decided that two seminars
> would be best, but 'easy to read' does not yet have editors. If 'easy to
> read' will be our 4th topic (predicated on volunteers for editor duties)
> then we wanted to interrelate the pre-calls and calls (as well as the
> seminars and the products thereof); however, if we cannot get editors
> then 'easy to read' will not occur and so mentioning it on the 'text
> customisation' pre-call will be confusing.
> It is my firm intention to get the 'text customisation' pre-call out
> next Wednesday after the call, and so we need to know if there are
> volunteers to take on the editorship of 'easy to read' so that we can
> cross link. If there are no volunteers then 'easy to read' will be
> shelved - until we have some - and the 'text customisation' pre-call can
> proceed without modification.
> In this case if you would like to volunteer as an editor (we would
> normal ask for 2 or 3) then please reply to the group before Tuesday
> 29th, so that we have a short amount of time to add some small
> clarification text to the 'text customisation' pre-call.
> Cheers
> -- 
> Si.
> PS I check my email at 08:00 and 17:00 GMT. If you require a faster 
> response please include the word 'fast' in the subject line.
> =======================
> Simon Harper
> University of Manchester (UK)
> Web Ergonomics Lab - Information Management Group

Received on Thursday, 24 May 2012 08:04:21 UTC