- From: Peter Thiessen <peterdev001@gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 20 May 2012 12:05:49 +0200
- To: giorgio brajnik <brajnik@uniud.it>
- Cc: RDWG RDWG <public-wai-rd@w3.org>
Good point about the risk of a small number submissions being minimal. Also, with the plan to have Easy to Read as a future topic, I change my vote to have Text Customization as a separate topic. cheers, +peter On 2012-05-18, at 9:33 AM, giorgio brajnik wrote: > I second most of Yeliz' comments. > > I also agree with Shawn in trying to keep Text Customization separate from Easy to Read, in the pre-call and later on as well. The only risk is a small number of submission, but Shawn has already done a great job against it. > > Giorgio > > On 05/17/2012 08:42 PM, Yeliz Yesilada wrote: >> Please see my comments below for the open issues specified in<http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-rd/2012May/0023.html> >> >>> * Relation to Easy-to-Read. >>> Several weeks ago RDWG discussed the possibility of combining Text Customization and Easy to Read into a one symposium, and I have since exchanged e-mail with Andrea and Klaus about this. Also, Klaus has ideas for additional related Symposiums. >>> I would like to propose that we go ahead with the pre-call as scoped, that is, focusing on text customization and not opening it up broader. >> >> >> YY: I think this would be fine, but I think once the precall is released people will get the idea about the topic and even it will be widened with the full call, there is a risk that people will not read the full call. We can either keep this one specific to Text Customisation and as it is proposed below have another seminar on easy to read topic, or combine them properly and then release the call. >> >>> * Timing: The text customization is well defined and has been reviewed by RDWG, and the Easy to Read[1] is not yet. It would will take time to develop the Easy to Read information. It would be good to get the pre-call for topic #3 out ASAP so people have plenty of time to write up work in this area, rather than delaying it by combining topics. >> >> YY: I think it does not have to be written fully but it would be good to have a complete list of topics in the precall. >> >>> * Focus: I think if we combined text customization with reading level and broader issues then the text customization aspect would get overshadowed, if not lost all together. As has been noted, text customization has not received much focused attention, yet is an important topic in itself. >>> * Sufficient submissions: Over the last month I have inquired of several people about their interest in contributing to a symposium specifically on text customization for readability and have had several positive responses. So far, 10 have said they will submit, and 4 said they might. If we get the pre-call out soon, we will be giving over 2 months advanced notice and will likely get sufficient submissions. >> >> YY: This sounds great. >> >>> * Title. >>> - The current working title is "Text Customization for Readability" >>> - Ideas from previous discussions are listed here: >>> http://www.w3.org/WAI/RD/wiki/Text_Customization#Title_ideas >>> (of course, feel free to add other ideas and comments in the wiki) >>> - I think we should settle on a title for the pre-call. >> >> YY: I like "Text Customization for Readability" and brainstorming below! >> "Text Customisation for Better User Experience" >> "Text Customisation: Now and Then" >> "Text Customisation: Research Challenges" >> "Research Challenges in Text Customisation" >> >>> * Scientific Committee. >>> - There are a few people I have in mind to invite. I would like the group's input on the invitation letter drafted at >>> http://www.w3.org/WAI/RD/wiki/SC >> >> >> This looks good to me. >> >>> - Who in RDWG would like to be on the committee? >>> - For the pre-call, do we want to leave off the Scientific Committee list since it's still developing? Or include what we have so far (which will probably be a few more after I send out the e-mail) and add something like "(more to be confirmed)" at the end of the list? >> >> Either way is fine with me. >> >>> * Paper details. >>> - For the pre-call can we just include limited information, e.g., that the paper limit will be 1,000 words (to give potential submitters an idea of the work)? I would like to refine the rest of it (template, review process, publication sections) before the complete CfP, but don't want to hold up the pre-call. >> >> I think some broad information would be useful in the precall, not specific details. >> >> Regards, >> Yeliz. >
Received on Sunday, 20 May 2012 10:06:22 UTC