Re: [urgent] input from WAI Coordination Group on mobile accessibility pre-cal

Hi everyone,

ok so my comments on the proposed changes are these:

I'm OK with the first paragrpah changes apart from 'many accessibility
challenges for people with disabilities'. First it is obvious we have
focus on accessibility as we are part of WAI - but this text supposes that
it is only disability - IMO this is too narrow a definition of
accessibility which should also include situational impairment, low
income, developing regions etc. So I would disagree with including this

Second part:

We invite extended research abstracts of no more than 1000 words from
research, industry, people with disabilities, and others with interest in
mobile web accessibility.

Adding 'people with disabilities,' is just plain wrong - it is both
patronising and trite; it suggests we think people with disabilities occur
in a set by themselves and not as part of the R&D community - this is
wrong and discriminatory!

Third part:
suggests 'Accepted papers will be published as part of the proceedings.
Accepted papers may also be referenced or included (in full or in part) in
attributable form in the ensuing publication, which will be published
using the W3C Document License.'

We must as a group decide this - I think the wording has some merit but
with a change thus:

Accepted papers will be published under the  W3C Document License as part
of the proceedings. Accepted papers will be referenced (and may be
included in full or in part) in attributable form in the ensuing
publication which will be published using the W3C Document License.

The license is at:

So these are my thoughts.


> Dear Symposium Chairs and RDWG,
> Last night we received input from the WAI Coordination Group on the
> mobile accessibility pre-call, most notably to point out that the
> current text does not adequately acknowledge existing work that is
> already happening on mobile accessibility (inside and outside W3C).
> To save discussion time, I have put some suggested changes in the
> "discussion" tab of the wiki for your review and approval:
>   - <>
> Please feel free to make edits directly to that page, but please do
> reply to this thread if you do so. Please also confirm your approval
> with these changes or if you prefer to discuss them by phone.
> Thanks,
>    Shadi
> --
> Shadi Abou-Zahra -
> Activity Lead, W3C/WAI International Program Office
> Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT WG)
> Research and Development Working Group (RDWG)

Received on Friday, 9 March 2012 19:26:19 UTC