Re: RDWG: Agenda for Teleconference on Wednesday 27 June 2012

Regrets, I also wont be able to attend. Another overrunning meeting :(


Alinti Yehya Mohamad <>

> regrets from me. I am in a meeting.
> On 27.06.2012 12:08, Joshue O Connor wrote:
>> Shawn Henry wrote:
>>> Possible regrets. I might be able to join by phone a few minutes late
>>> (and leave maybe 10 minutes early), but will not have Internet access.
>> Also possible regrets from me. Apologies for missing Symposium also, I
>> had planned to attend but got side tracked :-(
>> Cheers
>> Josh

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Received on Wednesday, 27 June 2012 13:33:13 UTC