- From: Joshue O Connor <joshue.oconnor@cfit.ie>
- Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 09:04:44 +0100
- To: Klaus Miesenberger <Klaus.Miesenberger@jku.at>
- CC: simon.harper@manchester.ac.uk, Peter Thiessen <thiessenp@acm.org>, RDWG <public-wai-rd@w3.org>, Shadi Abou-Zahra <shadi@w3.org>
Klaus Miesenberger wrote: > That's exactly what I wanted to provoke with my mail (-: > and I saw Joshue already reacting, Thanks! Lol > I'm also available as editor if needed, but the editor group needs also an expert on this topic - Michael? Yes, indeed we need an expert or two. Cheers Josh
Received on Thursday, 21 June 2012 08:05:07 UTC