Re: Seminar format, participation, outcomes

Hi all,

I'm resending this mail because we need to discuss it today.


On 31.8.2011 02:13, Shawn Henry wrote:
> Hi all,
> Exciting that you're close to the first RDWG event!
> In reviewing the draft call and working on announcements, I have some
> questions and thoughts about how the seminars will be run, who will
> participate, outcomes, and such.
> Seminar format:
> * Will the actual seminar be more like conference sessions where people
> present papers and there is only a little question and answer time? If
> so, how will the reports/"consolidated findings"/WG Notes be developed?
> Just by RDWG afterward?
> * Or, will the seminars be more like workshops where people discuss
> issues and attempt to come to some conclusions (which might be specific
> recommendations, &/or defining additional research needs)? This seems
> much more useful. For this, would participants be expected to read the
> papers before the seminar so that they have some shared background
> knowledge? Then there be no need to spend time on paper presentations --
> maybe just a 2 minute summary of each to set the stage for the
> discussions. I imagine once the papers were selected then the chairs
> would refine the agenda of discussion topics around the information and
> questions provided and raised in them. Thoughts on this?
> * Will it be teleconference (voice only) with IRC? Or video conference?
> Or ways to share "slides"? Or other collaborative tools? (of course,
> logistical load increases exponentially with anything beyond voice and
> IRC.)
> * Will it be recorded and available afterward?
> * Will it be 2 hours or more?
> Participants:
> * What are the submission requirements?
> In many cases I think there will be people who you would like to have in
> the discussion, but who do not have the research completed to submit a
> formal paper - or the time or inclination to do a formal paper. I think
> you'll want an option for people to submit a formal paper for
> publication *or* a short position paper that is more a proposal to
> participate (e.g., like many CHI workshops).
> * What will be the criteria for allowing people to participate? For
> example, anyone who submits a reasonable formal or position paper *and*
> commits to reading all of the formal papers before the seminar? Only
> people active in the specific topic area will be invited based on their
> paper? Only people whose formal papers are accepted? (btw, I think not
> the latter!) I can imagine a scenario where someone submits a paper, but
> it is deemed not publishable - yet you think they would be good
> contributors to the seminar discussion.
> * Will there be different levels of participation, e.g., presenters and
> observers? If so, who can observe?
> Some of the details might be more internal issues, yet some of it I
> think needs to be reflected in the Call and announcements. Based on
> decisions around these questions, I will have suggestions for revising
> the Call, including the terminology.
> Best,
> ~Shawn
> -----
> Shawn Lawton Henry
> W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
> e-mail:
> phone: +1.617.395.7664
> about:

Shadi Abou-Zahra -
Activity Lead, W3C/WAI International Program Office
Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT WG)
Research and Development Working Group (RDWG)

Received on Thursday, 15 September 2011 11:35:53 UTC