latest on logistics

Dear RDWG,

We have not been able to secure more lines and expect ~50 participants.

The conference codes will sent out before the call (hopefully Friday). 
Also, real-time captioning will be provided via Web during the event.

Participants will be auto-muted by default when they join. I will be 
moderating the event and give each author exactly 5 minutes for their 
presentations (I will be fairly strict for fairness). I will ask all 
participants to keep their questions for the open Q&A at the end.

After the author highlights, I will unmute the three symposium chairs 
(Giorgio, Markel, and Joshue) so that you can ask your questions. It 
would be great if you could clearly direct your questions to specific 
authors so that I can unmute them but do not let that be a limitation.

I encourage the symposium chairs and RDWG participants to join IRC (the 
usual channel #rd we typically use), and for symposium chairs to keep an 
eye on the channel for questions or comments from RDWG participants. You 
can also send me, as the moderator, any comments via IRC.

For the final part of the event I will open the queue and instruct the 
audience on how they can virtually raise their hands to get on queue. 
Again, I will moderate and manage the queue but the symposium chairs 
will remain unmuted so that they can chime in at any point in time.

*Important:* Please ensure you have a good microphone setup and that you 
are in a quite environment. Especially symposium chairs since you will 
be unmuted for many portions of the call. Otherwise, please use IRC to 
manually mute and unmute yourselves.

Let me know if you have further questions on the logistics.


Shadi Abou-Zahra -
Activity Lead, W3C/WAI International Program Office
Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT WG)
Research and Development Working Group (RDWG)

Received on Thursday, 1 December 2011 19:31:23 UTC