New Questions for First Topic

Hi All,

as you know the new topic is Benchmarking Web Accessibility Metrics

We have our three Editors in Markel, Giorgio, and Joshue, and we have 
our committees and timelines sorted out. We now need to refine the 
questions we want the work to answer; so that we can better write the 
call for paper--abstracts/contributions.

In this case can you add these to the wiki, or email the list so we can 
can refine the discussion on Thursday.

We've one more week until the call goes out so this is the last chance 
for questions.



PS I check my email at 08:00 and 17:00 BST. If you require a faster response please include the word 'fast' in the subject line.

Simon Harper

University of Manchester (UK)
Web Ergonomics Lab - Information Management Group

Received on Tuesday, 16 August 2011 08:16:19 UTC