Registration closed for Teleconference on Making Visualizations of Complex Information Accessible for People with Disabilities

Registration is closed for "Teleconference on Making Visualizations of 
Complex Information Accessible for People with Disabilities" [1].  The 
teleconference is limited to 40 attendees and over 40 people have 
registered to attend. Phone-in and realtime captioning information will be 
sent 22 June to the first 40 people who registered.

Proceedings from the teleconference should be available on the RDIG web 
site [2] within 3 weeks of the event.  Proceedings will include:  position 
papers, presentation materials, a transcript of the teleconference and a 
summary of the discussion.  An announcement of their publication will be 
sent to WAI IG and will appear on the W3C home page.

Thank you,

[1] <>
[2] <>

wendy a chisholm
world wide web consortium
web accessibility initiative

Received on Monday, 14 June 2004 16:15:55 UTC