RDIG Planning Call Summary - September 8, 2003

Mark Hakkinen
Marja-Riitta Koivunen
Sean Stapleford

Wendy Chisholm
Bill LaPlant
Charles McCathieNevile


1. Next Topic Discussion
2. Next Planning Call/New Members
3. Face to Face Ideas


1. Next Topic Discussion

Our next event topic is Visualization.  This call spent time discussing some
of the background material referenced in a message from Al Gilman [1] and
plans for the call for position papers. Mark will work on the call and base
it on the first call we did and the document created by Marja. [2] [3]

Talked about reaching out to University of Maryland Human Computer
Interaction Lab and the MIT Media Lab.  Mark will be sending information on
the group he visited in Finland (Jyväskylä University).

ACTION: Mark will work on a draft Call for Position Papers and submit to the
Planning Group later this week (target Wednesday).

2. Next Planning Call/New Members

The next meeting will be on September 15 and we are specifically encouraging
new members to participate.

3. Face to Face Ideas

A face to face meeting for RDIG was discussed.  Could take the form of a
workshop.  Marja reminded us that the CHI 2004 deadline is fast approaching.
Marja will look into details, fees. [4]

Also discussed the possibility of some RDIG presence at the WSIS related
"Role of Science in the Information Society" this December in Geneva [5]

We will have more discussion on the face to face idea at the next planning

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-rd/2003Jul/0002.html
[2] http://www.w3.org/WAI/RD/2003/03/call-collaboration.html
[3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-rd/2003Jun/0008.html
[4] http://www.chi2004.org/
[5] http://www.itu.int/wsis/
[6] http://rsis.web.cern.ch/rsis/

Received on Monday, 8 September 2003 15:38:50 UTC