RE: Final Draft of Call for Position Papers

Looks good.

the link "Additional use cases can be found at the RDIG web site." that
points to is non-functional.
Should at least have a shell page.

In the section titled "goals of the teleconference" we state at the end
"Proceedings of the Teleconference will be web-published by the Research and
Development Interest Group." I think there should be a link and a shell page
attached called "Proceedings of Accessible Web Collaboration
Teleconference." The link to this page might go in the Goals sections, but
may make more sense if it is included as part of the "Submission

Jim Allan, Webmaster & Statewide Technical Support Specialist
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
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"I see the Earth. It is so beautiful."--first words spoken by human in
[Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, from the Vostok 1, April 12, 1961.]

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Markku T. Hakkinen
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 1:58 PM
To: Public-Wai-Rd
Subject: Final Draft of Call for Position Papers

I think I got everything into the call, based upon the discussion today.

You can find it at:

Please review and have any comments to me by Monday morning.

You'll note that the links to the Use Cases and Planning Group page are not
done yet. Those should be done over the weekend.

I'll be sending out a list of distribution targets between now and Monday,
and expect to see some from you on the list, too.

Thanks for all your efforts to get this wrapped up.


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