Lecture: Ralph Munro, former WA Secretary of State


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Rebecca Bliquez
Project Coordinator
Shidler Center for Law, Commerce and Technology
University of Washington Law School
1100 N.E. Campus Parkway (Box 354600)
Seattle, WA 98105-6617
(206) 685-2636, (206) 616-3427 FAX



(Part of the Shidler Center for Law, Commerce and Technology annual lecture
series, "Law, Technology and the Information Society")

Speakers: Ralph Munro, Washington Secretary of State, 1980-2000 and Member
of the Board of
Directors for VoteHere
Jim Adler, CEO and Founder of VoteHere

This presentation will offer an evolutionary look at voting systems in the
U.S. and Washington state's key role in advancing voting processes
throughout elections history, from taking bold steps to introduce voting
initiatives such as new election equipment and the Motor Voter program to
serving as home to the leading innovator in election technology. It will
also touch on the technological advances being made in election systems
today and in the near future.

October 10, 2001
4:00-5:00 pm
Condon Hall, Room 139
University of Washington School of Law
1100 N.E. Campus Parkway
Seattle, WA 98105

**Refreshments will be served in Room 139 following the lecture**

More on the speakers:

Ralph Munro was instrumental in developing and implementing innovative
programs that measurably improve the voters' democratic experience in his
role as Secretary of State for Washington for more than two decades (1980 to
2001). He has continued this leadership as a member of VoteHere's board of
directors. Mr. Munro will discuss the evolution of voting systems, from
paper ballots to the Internet, and the importance of continuing to improve
access to voting and to offer citizens the most advanced voting options

Jim Adler is founder, president and CEO of VoteHere, Inc., a Bellevue-based
voting systems company that is at the forefront of the development and
introduction of electronic and online voting systems. Mr. Adler will talk
about the technology and policy issues surrounding voting systems, including
the conflicting issues of security, privacy, and audit, the process for
meeting FEC standards and certifying new voting systems, and the need for
military online voting.

Received on Friday, 5 October 2001 13:39:10 UTC