NEXTWARE Spring 2002 (call for speakers closes November 9)

The call for speakers for NEXTWARE Spring 2002 closes on November 9 --
that's only 7 days from now.

NEXTWARE is about next-generation software with a focus on XML, Web
services and enabling technologies. The conference has five tracks of
technical content and two tracks for decisionmakers (e.g., case studies).

NEXTWARE Spring 2002 is produced by Penton (producer of Internet World) and
is co-located with Connected Home 2002 and SERVICE NETWORKS 2002 at the
Baltimore Convention Center (May 20-23, 2002).

We have
- keynote by Bob Sutor (IBM Director eBusiness Standards Strategy)
- keynote by Bob Bickel -- Hewlett-Packard, VP and GM (Middleware Division)
- XQuery tutorial by Jonathan Robie and Daniela Florescu
- an SQLX presentation by Jim Melton (editor of the SQL standard)
- XML Query presentation by Paul Cotton (chair, W3C XML Query WG)
- EAI gurus JP Morgenthal and David Linthicum
- presentations by key participants in ebXML and UDDI
- a workshop by the XML Query Working Group
- "eBusiness Infrastructure" panel discussion
- UDDI Workshop
- keynote panel with Bob Sutor, Bob Bickel, and Dr. Richard Soley (Chairman
of OMG)

and more.

To view the curriculum sketch and call for speakers, or to submit a
speaking proposal:

Received on Saturday, 3 November 2001 03:22:39 UTC