Comments to be added to 'disposition of comments': use cases, page states and processes


Here are my suggestions to include in the Disposition of Comments:

(1) Step 1.b: Define the Goal of the Evaluation
Proposal to change the Report types here to follow use cases.
Certainly relevant would be:

A. Legacy site evaluation (old site known not to conform)
B. Development support evaluation (new accessible site under development)
C. Conformance evaluation (site that has been designed to conform or where a conformance claim has been made by the site owner)

(2) Step 3: Select a Representative Sample
Add advice on how to specify dynamic states of pages (fold-out sections, lightboxes etc). We need to discuss whether these states should basicaly form additional pages (i.e. base URL plus documented action) or whether we propose a format where pages in the sample can be given a number of enumerated states 

(3) The same applies to or sequential processes starting on pages (say a search might be described by 
- base URL
- text input for searcvh followed by submission
- evaluation of generated page

Generated pages often cannot be specified as separate URL, they often need to be speified by describing the process strarting fropm some base URL

Detlev Fischer
testkreis c/o feld.wald.wiese
Thedestr. 2, 22767 Hamburg

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Beratung, Tests und Schulungen für barrierefreie Websites

Received on Thursday, 13 June 2013 14:49:11 UTC