EvalTF telco cancelled

Dear all,

As we will be missing Shadi this thursday and we have to do a lot of online discussing about the requirements I would like to cancel this weeks call. I will send around an update of the requirements on thursday. In the meantime, please continue the discussion on the requirements. Also please feel free to add requirements as much as you can. I will include them in the draft document.

Next call will be on thursday 15 September.

Kindest regards,


Eric Velleman
Technisch directeur
Stichting Accessibility
Universiteit Twente

Oudenoord 325,
3513EP Utrecht (The Netherlands);
Tel: +31 (0)30 - 2398270
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www.game-accessibility.com/ www.eaccessplus.eu

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Received on Tuesday, 6 September 2011 21:09:35 UTC