- From: Velleman, Eric <evelleman@bartimeus.nl>
- Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 14:36:22 +0000
- To: "public-wai-evaltf@w3.org" <public-wai-evaltf@w3.org>
Dear Eval TF, The next teleconference is scheduled for Thursday 17 November 2011 at: * 15:00 to 16:00 UTC * 16:00 to 17:00 Central European Time (time we use as reference) * 10:00 to 11:00 North American Eastern Time (ET) * 07:00 to 08:00 North American Pacific Time (PT) * 23:00 to 24:00 Western Australia Time Please check the World Clock Meeting Planner to find out the precise date for your own time zone: - <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html> The teleconference information is: (Passcode 3825 - "EVAL") * +1.617.761.6200 * SIP / VoIP -http://www.w3.org/2006/tools/wiki/Zakim-SIP We also use IRC to support the meeting: (http://irc.w3.org) * IRC server: irc.w3.org * port: 6665 * channel: #eval AGENDA: #1. Welcome #2. First formal publication A new version of the Accessibility Evaluation Methodology" is now online for review and discussion this week: <http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/conformance/ED-methodology-20111115> As discussed last week, we would like to finalize a version for more formal publication as a First Public Working Draft (FPWD) this week. We will publish this document together with the requirements to get early feedback from the public on the general direction. Please send any comments to the list ahead of the meeting. Please also indicate your agreement with publication of these documents on the list if you will not attend the call this week. #3. Specific discussion on: a) Section 7 on procedure to express the scope (follow-up of last week), specific discussion about 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4. b) Section 7.5 Key Functionalities Regards, Eric
Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2011 14:41:45 UTC