- From: Yod Samuel Martín <samuelm@dit.upm.es>
- Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 12:51:30 +0200
- To: "'Wilco Fiers'" <w.fiers@accessibility.nl>, "'Shadi Abou-Zahra'" <shadi@w3.org>
- Cc: "'ERT WG'" <public-wai-ert@w3.org>
Hi Wilco, Shadi, Just a comment on this: >> # structuredSample and randomSample >> - maybe create an abstract "webPageSample" class for the two? > Wilco: Makes sense to me. I haven't really looked at subclasses or anything like that. I'll add this to the file. First, I don't think structuredSample and randomSample should be typed with their own classes, as they would rather be mere properties of evaluation (unless more properties are planned to be added to each of them). Thus, structuredSample would not be subclassing webPageSample; instead, webPageSample would be the range of the property structuredSample. It is a similar concept (there would be no difference indeed in the JSON example), but I think this better matches the intended semantics (the same reasoning would apply to randomSample). Second, if webPageSample has its own class, I think there should be a wrapper around the list of webPages. According to JSON-LD, this: {"structuredSample": [ {"uri": "http://www.example.com/whateverSection", "state": "Plain text"}, {"uri": "http://www.example.com/anotherSection", "state": "Plain text"} ]} means that the evaluation has *two* structured samples (one which is the webPage at .../whateverSection and another at .../anotherSection). I guess the intended meaning is better represented by something like this: {"structuredSample": { "webPage": [ {"uri": "http://www.example.com/whateverSection", "state": "Plain text"}, {"uri": "http://www.example.com/anotherSection", "state": "Plain text"} ]} } which means that the structuredSample has two web pages instead. This allows, in addition, attaching other properties to the structuredSample. Regards, Samuel.
Received on Tuesday, 1 July 2014 12:55:14 UTC