Re: Proposal: change the domain for earl:mode from earl:Assertion to earl:TestCriterion

Dear Shadi, Philip

we have used the earl:Assertion for our tool and from our point of view we
think that there is no need for further modifications



> Hi Philip,
> I'm happy to re-discuss this design decision with the group.
> The reason why earl:mode has the domain of earl:Assertion is because the
> test mode is not necessarily a property of the TestCriterion. For
> example, the same test could be carried out manually (by a human) or
> with the support of a tool. Proper alt-text is a good example.
> Actually, I think the proposal you put forth may make it harder to reuse
> TestCriterion descriptions because you fix the mode they are carried out
> in. You would potentially end up with several duplicates for each
> possible mode that the test can be carried out in.
> What do other people think?
> Best,
>    Shadi
> On 14.12.2011 11:38, Philip Ackermann wrote:
>> Dear group,
>> Carlos and I would like to propose to change the domain for earl:mode
>> from earl:Assertion to earl:TestCriterion.
>> The reason for this is that we are currently implementing an ontology in
>> which we are reusing earl:TestCriterion and we would like to have some
>> kind of property expressing the mode of each test.
>> Currently only earl:Assertion is in the domain of earl:mode. We could
>> either
>> 1.) add earl:TestCriterion to that domain or
>> 2.) replace earl:Assertion by earl:TestCriterion in that domain
>> We would prefer the second solution, since earl:Assertion is connected
>> to the earl:TestCriterion anyway by the property earl:test, so
>> retrieving the mode for a given assertion would still be possible.
>> Sorry for that late request, maybe we can discuss this in today's phone
>> conference.
>> thanks and regards,
>> Philip
> --
> Shadi Abou-Zahra -
> Activity Lead, W3C/WAI International Program Office
> Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT WG)
> Research and Development Working Group (RDWG)

Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2011 14:24:26 UTC