proposal for changing "EARL 1.0 Guide" to "Developer Guide for EARL 1.0"

Dear ERT WG,

Following recent discussions, it seem that there is consensus for the 
"conformance sections" to move out of the vocabulary definition specs 
(EARL 1.0 Schema, HTTP-in-RDF, ...) and put them "elsewhere".

Before attempting to create yet a new spec document, I would like to see 
if we can change the current Guide from an introductory resource into 
something more substantial. Remember, the guide document is on Rec-Track 
(because it has been split from the previous EARL spec).

To initiate the discussion I propose changing the title and content from 
"EARL 1.0 Guide" to "Developer Guide for EARL 1.0". The outline for this 
[new] document would include:
  * combine sections 3 & 4, and shorten them editorially (some examples 
and text are more verbose then necessary)
  * add a section on conformance for reports, consumers, and producers 
(maybe it won't be called "conformance" though)
  * add a new section on serialization with sub-sections for XML and 
possibly JSON

What do people think of this approach and suggestion?


Shadi Abou-Zahra - |
   WAI International Program Office Activity Lead   |
  W3C Evaluation & Repair Tools Working Group Chair |

Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2011 08:48:55 UTC