Following Shadi's suggestion, I am forwarding the list a few comments I
had sent him a few days ago.
I hope they can be useful for the group. Thanks.
Gabriele Bartolini: Data miner at Devise.IT | |
"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate"
Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia, Inferno
Forwarded message 1
Hi Shadi,
I have been looking in the last 2 weeks at the document "Pointer
Methods in RDF". Apart from saying that you guys have done a great job
in examining several combinations, I want to say just a couple of comments:
1) I found a possible typo in paragraph 1.3 (I guess it is 'storing'
rather than 'storeing')
2) I have noticed that the examples make usage of the rdf:resource
property attributes rather than be more detailed. It is my view as
newbie on the topic. For instance, take examples from 1 to 4, or
3) Example 1: it uses the PointersGroup class - which is a generic class
and can be used, but before there is written that one specific class
SHOULD be used (maybe the example could be changed with a specific class)
4) Example 4: maybe I have misunderstood it, but it makes usage of the
SinglePointer class - which is abstract - and therefore should not be
used (am I right?)
5) Before example 2.14 I would write a note saying that the
#lineCharPointer and #charOffsetPointer have been previously defined
This is just a short list of comments. I will continue reading the
document. I apologise for not having been able to respond more quickly.
I have noticed that you have already published the document and I am
really disappointed with myself (I had this list ready last week - just
did not have time to send it any earlier!).
Please let me know. Thanks.
Gabriele Bartolini: Data miner at Devise.IT | |
"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate"
Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia, Inferno