Review of Representing Content in RDF

This is a review of Representing Content in RDF:

I noticed the document because it was mentioned in

The document seems to make sense.  Questions/suggestions:

1. I think it would be good to mention GRDDL as a way to get a finer-grained RDF representation of an XML document.

2. When showing RDF, please also show the RDF in a more humanly readable format than RDF/XML, such as N3.

3. What is the correspondence between class Content and terms like "entity" used in RFC2616?

4. There is a DoctypeDecl class for DTDs.  What about other schema languages, such as XML Schema or Relax NG?   Maybe DTD needs to be treated specially because it can be embedded in the XML?

5. Are classes TextContent and XMLContent disjoint?  Is an xhtml document both TextContent and XMLContent?  Appendix B shows an "Allowable types" column, which might imply that other types are not allowable.

David Booth, Ph.D.
HP Software
+1 617 629 8881 office  |

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Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2008 11:18:38 UTC