Re: Pointer Methods draft

Editorial comments:
1. Abstract
- first sentence: "...have usually a structure..."; should read 
"...usually have a structure..." or just strike 'usually'
- Second sentence: "When wanting to point to a specific part of a 
document, it is useful to be able to make it robust in the face of 
changes,..."; unclear - what does 'robust' mean in this context? Might be 
good to give examples of how one points to this sort of content - XPath, 
CSS selectors, byte position, line & column, etc.
- sentence continues, "this way the report of many errors would still be 
valid as other errors are repaired." This assumes an EARL-like senario; 
should probably be explicitly stated (eg. "For example, if an evaluation 
tool that wishes to report compliance violations wishes to refer to 
specific parts of a document to aid content authors in repairing the 
2. 1.4 Prerequisites:
- Reads "Pointer Methods in RDF are defined..." Should, I think, read, 
"Pointer Methods in RDF is defined.."
3. 2.2 PointerGroups Class
- first sentence, "...each of them devoted to an specific ..."; want 'a', 
not 'an'
4. 2.2.2 EquivalentPointers Class
- second paragraph reads, "In order to achieve as much flexibility and 
interoperability as possible, people is encouraged to provide the biggest 
number of equivalent pointers that is possible for any element." Should 
read "people are"; also, which 'people'?
5. 2.3 SinglePointer class
- first definition for 'reference' property: "A SinglePointer will have 
exactly one reference indicating the document scope within the pointer is 
applicable."; not clear to me; is this a reference to the document in 
which the pointer has meaning? Do we mean something like, "A SinglePointer 
will have exactly one reference indicating the document within which the 
pointer is applicable or meaningful." That seems to be what the examples 
6. XPathPointer class
- example contains expression: /html/body/div[@id='header"]/img[1]; single 
quote does not match double quote around 'header'; same in
7. CSSPointer class
- first sentence reads, "...that point out elements..."; should be 
"...that points out elements..."; same in 2.3.2,,, 2.4.x
8. CharOffsetPointer
- "An CharOffsetPointer..." should read "A CharOffsetPointer..."; same in
9. 2.3.3 LineCharOffsetPointer
- starts off "A LicheCharPointer"; correct to A LineCharPointer

- Should the domain and range of the 'pointer' property be reversed (i.e. 
domain="#PointersGroup", range="#Pointer")?
- OffSetPointer should be subClassOf="#SinglePointer"
- extra starting 't' in class name of domain of 'charOffset' property: 

Substantive/conceptual questions:
1. Throughout the document, we discuss pointing to an element of the 
document. This presumes that the document being analyzed is capable of 
being rendered into or encoded as a model, like a DOM. This is true for 
many documents, but not all (e.g. flat text files, source files, etc.). Do 
we mean for Pointers in RDF to apply only in the context of documents that 
have a DOM-like structure (or that could be encoded as such) or do we have 
a more general purpose?
2. Although the HTMLPointer class has been left up in the air, I wonder 
what we're gaining by having it in addition to XPathPointer? The HTML may 
not be well-formed so that parsing it is not straight-forward, but its 
rendering suggests an XPathPointer since structurally it is a tree like an 
XML document. Thoughts?
3. I know that Michael Cooper in PF has automated the process of 
generating RDF for the ARIA spec based on changes to the spec in the HTML. 
Do we (or W3C) have something like this, given that we may see many 
changes as we publicize these drafts?

--> Mike Squillace
IBM Human Ability and Accessibility Center
Austin, TX


"Carlos Iglesias" <> 
Sent by:
06/23/2008 02:10 AM


Pointer Methods draft

Hi group,

With my apologies for the delay, attached you can find the Pointer Methods 

It still needs further refinement and elaboration, but I think it's more 
than enough to start to comment on it.



Carlos Iglesias

Fundación CTIC
Parque Científico-Tecnológico de Gijón
33203 - Gijón, Asturias, España

teléfono: +34 984291212
fax: +34 984390612

Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2008 18:50:06 UTC