RE: [HTTP-in-RDF] date properties for timestamping

Hi Shaid,

> >> possible candidates for timetamping properties are:
> >>
> >> * dc:date (for both http:Request and http:Response); here we
> >> have to clarify that the times are to be measured at the
> >> client and not to be confused with the Date HTTP header.
> >> * dc:dateSubmitted (for http:Request) and dc:dateAccepted (for
> >> http:Response)
> >
> > I more in favour of dc:date because I think it's definition, "A point or
> period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the
> resource.", covers perfectly our use cases.
> >
> > Don't like dc:dateSubmitted and dc:dateAccepted too much because I think
> their current definitions "Date of submission of the resource (e.g.
> thesis, articles, etc.)" and "Date of acceptance of the resource (e.g. of
> thesis by university department, of article by journal, etc.)"
> respectively, manage slightly different concepts:
> >
> >  - Request sth vs. submit sth, which are more or less the opposite.
> >  - Respond to sth vs. acceptance of sth, a kind of respond.
> I agree that the current descriptions of dateSubmitted and dateAccepted
> focuses more on printed materials but I think it makes sense to extend
> this to electronic resources too. After all, you *submit a request* and
> *accept a response*. Maybe we should ask for clarification on a DC list
> or forum?

Maybe, but I'm not sure.

Submit a request sounds OK, but accept a response sounds strange for me as it could cause confusion with accepted response codes (202).

Anyway, what's the problem with dc:date? For me its definition "A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource." is just perfect, as it adapts to the context in any use case.


Carlos Iglesias

CTIC Foundation
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33203 - Gijón, Asturias, Spain

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Received on Saturday, 9 June 2007 00:22:11 UTC